Sunday, February 20, 2022

What is the best tasting coffee substitute to drink?

  Kevin Cosme       Sunday, February 20, 2022

What is the best tasting coffee substitute to drink?

Are you the type of person who always drink coffee almost 3 times a day? And you can't live without drinking it? In this post, I will share to you what is the best tasting coffee substitute to drink without caffeine. Did you know that too much coffee in your body can cause acid reflux? Yes it is, because coffee bean has a citric and acetic acid that can trigger acid reflux to attack. If you can't prevent drinking coffee you may try decaffeine coffee on supermarket or Rice grains / beans as substitute to drink.

Everyone used to drink coffee every morning, some others even afternoon and before bed time drinks coffee, it's like an addiction already. But did you know that too much coffee in your body can cause also serious problem? specially if the coffee you drink has too much caffeine. Some people instead of drinking coffee in the morning shift to milk, tea and chocolate drink. But here, if you still can't control yourself not to drink coffee, I will share to you an alternative coffee drink you can try which don't contain a ceffeine, It's a rice grain coffee. Please read below on how to do it.

What is the best tasting coffee substitute to drink without caffeine?

If you're looking for a coffee with no caffeine, we recommend the rice coffee beans.

Yes, you read it right! Rice beans also can use as the  alternative coffee we can drink everyday. The taste is almost the same but less in bitter taste.

But how to make a rice beans coffee?

1. First thing to do is get rice grain beans and roast it until it turns black. If you want to stock a lot of coffee in your house, better if you will roast a 1 kilo of rice to save time and effort if you'll ran out of stock.

2. Once done, you can now put 1 cup of roasted rice beans in a kettle and add water. The water depends on your taste if you want the coffee taste slightly bitter then don't put too much water. If you want it just a normal in taste you can adjust it anyway.

3. If everything all set, you just have to boil it to 5 to 10 minutes. 

4. Once done, you can put coffee in a cup and enjoy it.

TIPS: If there are still coffee beans on the kettle, you can still refill it with water and boil it again. 

If you don't have money to buy coffee in a supermarket, you may try this rice coffee. The taste is just the same as black coffee we used to drink. This rice coffee can relax you as well. You can put also milk or any cream depends on you.

Thanks for reading What is the best tasting coffee substitute to drink?

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