Sunday, February 20, 2022

Home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn that cause too much pain

  Kevin Cosme       Sunday, February 20, 2022

Home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn that causes too much pain.

Home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn that causes too much pain.

Looking for answers online on how you can get rid of acid reflux quickly? Well, this post will help you. This post will gives you ideas of some home remedy for acid reflux or heartburn that causes too much pain in the stomach. Please keep reading, I wrote below what are the main reason why I got an acid reflux and what I did to stop acid reflux attack.

Almost everyday, when I woke up I always drink coffee and that's all for my breakfast, yes just a coffee without biscuits or anything. I am not aware that's the main reason why you'll get an acid reflux. Also, I drink more softdrinks than water, almost 3 times a day. Of course, the alcohol as well. Every time my friends invite me to a party, I always forgot to take a meal first before to start drinking alcohol. They said, those are the reason why I got an acid reflux.

I remember the first attack of the acid reflux in my stomach, it's just mild and I just ignored it. And still I did the above scenarios and the way I do them it getting worst and worst. I also don't forget the painful attack of my acid reflux, my stomach is in too much pain and every time I drink anything such as water or any juice, I always vomit. I can't move normal because of too much pain. It's just like the acid on the soda bottle when you shake it, the acid will go up? that's what I feel every time acid reflux attacked. I didn't sleep that day and night because of too much pain. What I did to get rid of the pain? I tried Kremil S, the pink one but nothing change. Some one said try the Kremil S advance and the pain gone, also get a bottle of any water and put a warm water on it and then rub it on your stomach, that will lessen the pain in your stomach.

List of Home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn that causes too much pain.

1. Empty Bottled water

- any kind of bottle, put some warm on it and then rub it to your stomach. This will lessen the pain and will relieve you. 

2. Drink more water

- Don't ignore the tagline "Drink 8 glasses of water." Water is important to our body. Water will help to dissolve nutrients and minerals to make them accessible to your body. It will all protects body organs and tissues, Importantly, flushing out waste products on our body.

3. Stop Drinking Coffee

- If you can't live without drinking coffee, better to drink decaffeinated coffee instead. Coffee beans used on caffeinated coffee had at least 97% of their caffeine removed. It means less acid and safe to drink. Caffeine and Decaffeinated coffee have the same taste.

You may try rice coffee, it has no caffeine unlike black coffee we used to drink every morning.

4. Stop eating oily and fried foods

- Yes, to prevent your acid reflux getting trigger stop eating oily foods and fried foods such as:
  • french fries
  • creamy sauces and dips
  • butter
  • high fat creamy salad dressings
  • cheese
  • ice cream
  • high fat sour cream
  • deep-fried onion rings
  • high fat cuts of red meat, such as sirloin or prime ribs
  • potato chips
  • whole milk

5. Stop eating spicy foods

- Yes, eating spicy food can trigger also acid reflux. 

6. Citrus fruits

- Citrus foods can also trigger acid reflux thou it's healthy on our body. Citrus fruit to prevent to eat are orange, pineapple, grapefruit, lemon and any sour fruits.

7. Garlic and Onions

- Yes! Garlic and onions consists of stimulate acid that can trigger heartburn and acid flex. 

8. Tomatoes

- Tomatoes is highly acidic, it can cause heartburn and can trigger your acid reflux. Yes tomatoes is good for health but it has an acid that can trigger acid reflux and heartburn.

9. Stop drinking Alcohol

- yes, stop drinking too much alcohol. Alcohol might trigger the acid reflux to attack. Always remember "Drink moderately".

10. Eat on time

- Eat always on time, if you feel hungry eat right away and don't skip. Skipping time to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner might the one reason of having acid reflux also getting ulcer. So never skip the meal and eat on time.

I am not an expert, I just wanna share the list above on what to do when acid reflux attacks you and prevent it from coming back, because I felt the pain and it's not just a simple pain. If you tried above instructions and still in so much pain, It is still better solution is to consult your doctor, they might give you or advise you what to take. 

But always remember, drink 8 or more glasses of water everyday to keep the doctors away! Health is wealth everyone.


Thanks for reading Home remedy for acid reflux and heartburn that cause too much pain

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