Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to get google adsense approval sucessful?

  Kevin Cosme       Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to get google adsense approval sucessful?

How to get google adsense approval sucessful?

Google adsense app is an affiliate program which you can earn and make legit money online by just creating blog post or uploading videos on Youtube. But nowadays it is hard to get approved by adsense, unlike before if you have 3-10 post on your site you can already apply to Google adsense. But how to get google adsense approval successful? well this post will give you tricks and hints. 

Most of the Blogger & Vlogger use Google adsense on their vlog or on their website so they can earn/make money

There are lots on tutorial on internet on how to create, login and sign in a Google adsense account. Except for Google adsense there are also alternatives like facebook IA ads & many more on the internet. Is google adsense worth it? Yes it is, vlogger/blogger are earning 100k+ above every month. 

But how my blog got approved by Google Adsense? I can say that blogging and earning money from Google Adsense is an unexpected accident that happens only to me, because I only searching for online jobs that time and some websites suggested and give some tips on their post that anyone can earn money by just blogging and applying it to Google Adsense. 

Is Google Adsense free? yes, it is. Also, Newbies can use Blogspot/ to start their own blog without inversting money, just like what I am using right now. If you are unsure and have a lot of questions you can contact their google adsense customer service. 

How to get approved by Google adsense and what are requirements to submit?

Today I will share to all of you what I did to get approved on Google Adsense:

1. Choose your niche or topic 

Of course, to start a blog you must have your topic. Better to choose a topic that loves you. For example, I graduated Information Technology then my blog niche would be about technology, programming language right? or anything you love to write about. You can also choose Travel blog if you love traveling. Just keep in your mind, What is my interest which I am able to share?

2. No copyrights

 Yes, Google will not approve blogs or websites that contain copied contents from others. This is the most warning to all newbie bloggers out there. If all of your contents are copied from other blogs then don't expect to get approved to Google Adsense.

  • Tips: If you can put your post different from other blogs then it's okay. To make it clear, you will just get an idea from that blog post and then write from your own words, Also if you can, make it more interesting compare to that blog you read. Use your strategy skills!

  • Other tips: Every post should have at least 200-300 words. If you have already 15 posted on your blog then try it now to apply it to Google Adsense. But, don't make it fast, for example, you will just post 15 posts today and then apply it also today, it's not possible to get approved. It takes time. It's better to post what you really want to post such as tutorials, technology or anything you will enjoy.

3. Is Grammatical error matters? 

This is only based on what I experienced, for me having bad grammar to start a blog is not that important. as you can see on my posts, I AM NOT REALLY GOOD. As long as your readers can understand it then it's fine already.

  • Tips: There are lots of free grammar checker or translator you can use online which can also help you. Until now I am still using Grammarly software, I can say it is my best friend already. just kidding hehe

4. Is 1-month-old blog site can now apply to Google Adsense?

Yes, you can try to apply it already to Google Adsense, If disapproved just try it again anytime. The application is unlimited and that's really good about Google Adsense.

Those are only additional tips to get approved from Google. And all are based on my experience. Until now I'm still posting Once a week to post and for me, it's enough.


Thanks for reading How to get google adsense approval sucessful?

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  1. thanks sir for posting this very helpful

    1. You're welcome, If you have question/s don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!! Happy Blogging!!

  2. im believe this up because i see that
