Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ios Emoji for Miui or Xiaomi Android Phone 2022 using Font or ttf file.

  Kevin Cosme       Sunday, December 19, 2021

Ios Emoji for Miui or Xiaomi Android Phone 2022 using Font or ttf file.

Feel bored with android emoji or emoticons on xiaomi phone with MIUI version 11 and 12? Would you like to change it to Ios emoji permanently and feel like you are using ios phone? then this post is perfect for you! We will only use font / ttf, I've tried and downloaded ios keyboard app for android but nothing change anything on the emoji.

We will only download and use font or ttf on Miui theme store to achieve ios emoji on xiaomi phone. 

from this (android emoji)

To this (IOS emoji)

All you have to do is go to setting > additional setting 

And then click region and change it to India, what is it for? It is to show the font setting on Miui theme store.

Once done, go to MIUI theme store and click Font, please see below for reference.

Search for iOS 14.6 Emojis font and download.

Once done. Click apply and reboot your phone

And viola!!! You can use IOS emoji/emoticon on your xiaomi phone.


Thanks for reading Ios Emoji for Miui or Xiaomi Android Phone 2022 using Font or ttf file.

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